Free & Pro Mock Interview

Mock Interview AI —
Level Up Your Interview Game

Nervous about your next interview? Okay! How prepared do you think you are to land your dream job? What if you get some practice opportunities before the real interview date? Try our Mock Interview!

Prepare for Success Now!
Mock Interview Practice
Engineered to get you hired at top companies

Prepare | Practice | Succeed - via Mock Interview

Our AI Mock Interview helps you improve your real-time interview responses and boosts your confidence by conducting factual interview scenarios. Continuous practice and feedback ensure you present yourself effectively on the big day.

Customize No. of Qs and Types

Customize No. of Qs and Types

Before starting the mock interview session, choose the number and type of questions you want to practice in your interview; otherwise, it might decide on its own what goes with your job.

Arrange Your Interview Preperation Session

Arrange Your Interview Preperation Session

Upload your resume if you have one that matches your job role, or you can also select from already connected resumes that you build using our ideal AI Resume Builder.

Access Interview Analysis Report

Access Interview Analysis Report

Review detailed feedback on the mock interview performance and track the progression of your career

Familiarity with Common Questions

It allows you to consider the most related questions and practice your answers, thus making you more comfortable and vocal when faced with these questions during real interviews. So, “turn your anxiety into confidence.” Dear valued users, you can also modify your weaknesses, ensuring you are well-prepared to handle similar questions efficiently.

Go for it Now!
Familiarity with Common Questions
Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

OfferLanded’s Mock Interview Practice session will help you practice problem-solving and decision-making. So, don’t leave your next interview to chance. Get prepared for:

  • improve your resumeComplex situations related to your job requirements
  • inner-tool-checkIndustry-related challenges that you might face in your actual role’
  • inner-tool-checkAnd how to handle them
Let’s Practice with Us!

Get Continuous Feedback

Receive continuous suggestions with a pros and cons breakdown for each FAQ session in the AI-generated feedback report from our mock interview. It allows you to identify strengths and areas for improvement, leading to better preparation. Walk into your next interview ready for whatever comes your way.

Get your Assessment!
Get Continuous Feedback
Feel Ready to Shine

Feel Ready to Shine

We offer a platform for practice, feedback, and improvement, which prepares you even for uncertain situations. Repeated practice reduces stress, making you more prepared and confident. So, step into your future interviews with confidence.

    Own your Success!

    Competitive Edge

    Our mock interview questions can give you the advantage of standing out among other candidates. You become more polished because you consistently prepare and refine your answers to handle tough questions. It will help you shine under pressure, thus providing you with a competitive advantage. So, get ahead with the competition like a well-prepared professional.

    Gain your Edge!
    Competitive Edge

    Turn Nerves into Confidence: Ace with Mock Interview Practice

    Turn Nerves into Confidence: Ace with Mock Interview Practice

    “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” Prepare for success with mock interview AI by having the training you need to perfect your answers and leave a positive impression.

    Offerlanded mock interviews are ‘organized practice sessions’ to stimulate real job interviews, allowing candidates to prepare for actual experience. It provides an opportunity to rehearse responses to every type of question, from common, open-ended, technical, experience-based, and situational to complex. Candidates may know how to answer under pressure, gain confidence, and reduce anxiety. Therefore, it also helps candidates focus on the capabilities and scenarios they may experience during actual interviews.

    Fact to remember: “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”

    Improve your communication skills and become aware of the interview narrative. So, don’t just practice; practice perfect! In addition to providing practice, mock interviews online offer valuable feedback on candidates' performance on each question. Also, an overview of the whole session, and recommended suggestions. This feedback allows users to make the necessary adjustments on a timely basis. It increases candidates' ability to respond efficiently and maximizes their chances of success in the desired job interviews.


    Discover why our satisfied users love our tools, especially the Mock Interview service, for achieving their goals:

    Mock interviews allowed me to see myself through the eyes of an interviewer.

    Jane Smith

    Jane Smith

    Freelance Designer

    It highlighted the weaknesses I need to work on and suggested how to overcome them.

    Tom Williams

    Tom Williams

    Software Developer

    The feedback, tips, and practice through Mock Interviews were a game-changer for my job search.


    Michael Brown

    Online Marketer

    After practicing OfferLanded’s mock interviews, I walked into my real interview with confidence and more passion.


    Sarah Johnson


    Frequently Asked Questions

    We’ve considered the frequently asked questions that address users' common concerns and help you gain a better understanding of the benefits and process of mock interviews:

    What types of questions may one expect in a mock interview?

    Are mock interviews free?

    Is there any question limit for a mock interview?

    What is the approach for answering mock interview questions?

    How long does it take to receive feedback from a Mock Interview AI?
