Free Resume Keyword Scanner

Optimize Your Resume -
Add ATS Keywords

Are you desiring more interview offers? Increase your chances of securing the right job by integrating suitable keywords into your resume to match the job description.

Start Your ATS Scan Today!
Resume Keyword Scanner
Engineered to get you hired at top companies

Get Noticed With Resume Keyword Scanner

Powerful keywords include field-oriented terms, job titles, qualifications, and skills found in the job description you’re applying for.

Upload or Create Your Resume

Upload or Create Your Resume

Import your existing resume into the Resume Builder, or build a new one in a few clicks. Include more career details to attain the best keyword highlights.

Compare Your Resume to Job Post

Compare Your Resume to Job Post

Add the desired job title and description for keyword analysis. Or choose a current job displayed in the dropdown menu by the job tracker for comparison.

Review the Report and Optimize

Review the Report and Optimize

Carefully view the generated keyword report that highlights essential skills and work experiences that are yet to be added to your resume. Optimize wisely.

Free Resume Keyword Scanner

We provide free resume scans for our valued customers because your career opportunities and dream interviews with top companies are within reach. You can upgrade to Pro if you need unlimited keyword highlights for soft and hard skills.

Get Your Keyword Highlights Now!
Free Resume Keyword Scanner
Get Past ATS Tracking

Get Past ATS Tracking

Get your resume ranked through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) by following these steps:

  • improve your resumeFind missing skills relevant to the job role
  • inner-tool-checkReview the report and include ‘right keywords’
  • inner-tool-checkLabel sections with headings
  • inner-tool-checkOptimize resume for each application
  • inner-tool-checkUse our ATS-friendly resume template
Get Started Now!

Secure And Private

Your privacy is equally valuable to us, and we attempt every precautionary measure to keep your resume under strict policies. We made it easier for you to beat the ATS filter, free of hesitation or insecurity.

Sign Up Now!
Secure And Private

    Land Right Job Offer Using Right Keywords

    Land Right Job Offer Using Right Keywords

    'A customized approach is the key to success in the job search process.' Do you want to convert your resume into an interview magnet? It seems dreamy, right? Not anymore, now that you can avail yourself of our AI-based tool, “Resume Scanner,” equipped with everything you need to make it a reality.

    Thoughts about stacking up in piles of applicants’ resumes or instant rejection are always scary, isn’t it? The right use of keywords in your resume is the first step towards landing the ideal dream job offer. A refined resume forms a good impression on recruiters, and it also shows an individual’s suitability for the job position. Experience a customized version of your resume for every job application.

    Words that highlight a candidate’s education, experience, and skills in job descriptions are known as keywords. By adding these guaranteed keywords to your resume that employers are looking for, you can improve your chances of getting past the ATS test. You just need to add the job description or ad, tap on the scan button, and our tool will do the rest and provide guidance. Obtain a detailed report on how well your resume matches the relevant keywords to add.


    Look into how the Resume Keyword Scanner has changed our consumers' job searches!

    "Resume Keyword Scanner helped me a lot to customize my resume and acquire a job fast"

    Jane Smith

    Jane Smith

    Freelance Designer

    "I was amazed at how fast OfferLanded Keyword Resume Scanner optimized my resume for ATS"

    Tom Williams

    Tom Williams

    Software Developer

    "Top recruiters have finally noticed my resume because of Keyword Scanner, highly recommended "


    Michael Brown

    Online Marketer

    "Job hunting becomes a lot simpler and more successful with the Resume Keyword Scanner"


    Sarah Johnson


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Want to know more? Our customers’ most frequently asked questions about resume keyword scanners are addressed here:

    What are the steps for using the Resume Keyword Scanner?

    How do I avoid Over-Optimizing my resume?

    Can using a Resume Keyword Scanner help me get hired?

    Is a Resume Keyword Scanner compatible with all kinds of job positions?

    When applying for the same job application, how many times should I use the Resume Keyword Scanner?
